Take a look at the inspiring people wearing Envelope1976 lately!Annabel Rosendahl (@annabelrosendahl) strolling around wearing the Triangle Cowboy scarf in black.
Darja Barannik (@darjabarannik) rocking the Barca dress and Formentera top while being in Milan for fashion week.
Ida Tolou (@idatolou) looking flawless in the Famous dress under Copenhagen fashion week.
Vita Mashadi (@vitamashadi) looking stylish in our Girona blazer and Dietrich pant, on her way to a brunch.
Jorun Stiansen (@jorunstian) glammed up in our Racing suit for the talk show Kåss til Kvelds.
Linnea Myhre (@linniiie) on Lindmo talk show rocking the Newton skirt with Jet top in 100% silk.
Alphons Amuri (@alphonsamuri) showing us how to style the Nom dress at Copenhagen fashion week, wearing only the overdress as a top.
Artist Victoria Nadine (@victorianadine) on the Lindmo talk show looking beautiful in our Vice dress, and performing in the Toscana dress.
Sophie Sunde Sylte (@sophiess) walking around Oslo looking gorgeous in our Triangle cowboy scarf in cream.
Gine Margrethe (@ginemargrethe) inspires in silver with Rave pants.
Marianne Theodorsen (@marianne_theodorsen) going out dressed up in our Newton skirt.
Ada Martini (@adamartini) looking amazing at a photoshoot - wearing the Blondie jacket in cream.
Tinashe Williamson (@tinashewilliamson) dressed up in our Jax dress for an award show.
Marion Ravn (@marionravn) promoting her new upcoming album wearing the Erin jacket.